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2007-08-20 13:08:26
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Bloodstock 2007

Y'arr, me (aka [Beki in Wonderland] and me dear friend [Lexxi Scuzz] went to Bloodstock Open Air (BOA) this weekend (it's a metal festival for those people who live in a box or in a country other than britain) and we got pretty plastered. It was great fun! Here is a collection of photos from the camp site, as i didn't actually take my camera into the arena for fear of losing or breaking it XD

Me and Alex, sane and Sober for the first and only time over the four days XD
My lunch. Looks rank, tasted pretty good! XD
Alex contemplating her cider.
Me and cider.
Alex looking thoroughly pissed already XD
Me and Alex, mellow and happy!
Me and Ross, that's Pete in the background.
Alex, drunk and on the floor XD
Me and Pete and the pink hat (which is Alex's, mine was purple)
Fred and beer and Alex's arm XD
Cousin it/ Ross
Alex and Fred (who was a whore, i think i should point out.)
Me and Fred. I look shocked XD
I have no idea.. It's Alex's attempt at photography XD
Me and Alex, drunk
The only attempt at photographing a band. No idea who it was, i wasn't paying attention.
Pete picking Alex up XD
Myself and the Commodore. I was wearing his hat XD
Me, extremely drunk and still wearing the Commodore's hat
Alex being helped up by some friendly person XD
Alex and Pete in the gazibo
Me and Alex in our tent.
There be my purple hat!
Me and Alex, emerging from the tent!
Me in the Akatsuki hat of awesomness!
A tent.. I don't know, but it looks cool! XD
Our creamy potatoes!!! XD
The Shauns and their beer can mountain. I love these guys, they were awesome!
The tent graveyard, aka- the result of Metal Al being pissed off his face XD
Me and Alex's wedding photo (we got married XD)
Metal Al. Much love to this guy, he was totally awesome!
We became part of a mob! And set fire to a bin for no real reason!
The bin!
The bin again XD
Aaand again..
The bin bonfire!
Me with a traffic cone on my head. Believe it or not, this was one of the rare moments when i was sober!
The beer can mountain, getting bigger!
My muddy boots!

And apparently that's all i got round to taking! But it was a fucking good festival people. Anyone who is able to get their asses over to britain should go next year! It was kick ass!

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2007-08-20 [Mango Pickle River]: Those were fun to look at [=

2007-08-20 [Beki in Wonderland]: ^___^ thanking you kindly :p

2007-08-21 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: definatly :] whos metal al :] hes kindda cute :]

2007-08-21 [Beki in Wonderland]: He is a drunken nutcase who likes to jump on tents XD

2007-08-21 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: kwel! :]

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: WOW... you guys had fuuuun... XD

Loving the traffic cone. Nice touch. ;)

2007-08-22 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yersh we did ^___^ But now, thanks to all the fun we had, i have glandular fever =___= bah!

The traffic cone got taken off me by a security guy XD He thought i was drunk <_< >_>

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: ...No surprise, really. You look off your breasticles! XD

Ohhh... poor dear. *hugs*

2007-08-22 [Beki in Wonderland]: I wasn't though! At that point i was actually sober XD no one believed me though XD

Ah well, it'll be gone in a week if i do as the doctor says XD it could be worse :p

2007-08-22 [Lexxi Scuzz]: *lmfao* i need to save these photos.. man i look so pissed in all of them.. pete dropped me on my head =_= *ish not impressed* and most of them i'm on the floor! XD I have one question why is the hoody i'm wearing in all the picture's someone elses? where did it come from???????

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: HAHA!! True! Well spotted! ^__^

Who were these guys then?

2007-08-23 [Beki in Wonderland]: rofl, is it someone elses?? I didn't even notice o_O you thieving little thief! XD I thought Pete dropped you on your butt XD it was still funny XD

These guys were a bunch of complete strangers that we made friends with XD we became very good at it.. Apparently we were famous around the campsite XD everyone knew us o_O we had nicknames and a theme-tune and everything XD

My mum saw these pictures O_O she found them really funny.. i was like nuuuu, parents can't see me drunk >___< XD

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: errrmm.... Right. Complete strangers, and you managed to get glandular fever?

... good then, was it? Lot of fun. ^___^

2007-08-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: <_< >_> what are you implying?? XD They weren't complete strangers by the end of the weekend, just when we met them! Yeeeah.. that's my excuse.

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: Mmm-hmm.... Yeeeah.... ¬___¬

XD I imply right. ^____^

2007-08-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Pffft, it was a festival! What do you expect, i'm me! X3

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: Damn straight you are! =D

Wouldn't have you any other way. ^___^ I want to go to Glasto!! >.<

2007-08-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aaah, i entered a competition to go and get married to Alex there XD Shame we didnt win...

Aaah well, we got married at BOA, close enough XD

2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: NOOOOO!! That would be an amazing service. ^___^

2007-08-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeah, instead we had Rory slightly drunkenly rambling (he was the vicar) and Al running around being pissed. I think he was the bridesmaid o_O i'm not really sure what was going on, but it was funny XD

2007-08-26 [Lexxi Scuzz]: Yeah it was awesome and i managed to close my eyes in the wedding photo! XD lmfao.. yeah i have no idea who's hoddy that was but the photo's i'm wearing it in are all the ones which followed the missing 2 hours of my life where i wasn't at Lacuna Coil.. anyways i didn't have it by saturday.. so *shrugs*
lol yeah.. we were good at our friend making.. and it's pretty simple way to trade.. you kiss a guy and then get whatever you want! (mostly beer and cider) XD X3 i can't wait till next year!

2007-08-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: ROFL, i was at Lacuna Coil but i don't remember any of it. I was with the guy in the red shirt and i don't think i was even facing the stage for most of it XD Then i passed out on the grass and the guy in the red shirt got Pete or.. someone else.. i don't know, it's.. blurry o_O

In other words i have no bloody idea what happened

Yes, we were very good at bargaining XD It's so great being a single girl at Bloodstock, you can pretty much get whatever you want XD

2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: *rolls eyes, smiling*

Ayayay, you two. ^-^ *girlie giggle*

2007-08-28 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: lmao! i wish i could've gone :[

2007-08-28 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah it would have been awesome! COME TO DOWNLOAD!! everyone!!! XD lol we can have a massive party! *nods*

lol it's okay everyone i remembered where i was during Lacuna Coil coz i realised it was on the friday not thursday! *dances* that clears up alot! XD I was drinking during the Lacuna Coil set!! yeah! X3

lol so true.. i love being female and i'm loving being single at the moment! 

2007-08-29 [Beki in Wonderland]: YERSH! EVERYONE COME TO DOWNLOAD! We're going in a hippe van XD

We kinda guessed that you would have been drinking either way really Al XD that's pretty much all you were doing the whole weekend.. Drinking, falling over or pulling a bunch of guys all at once in the same place and causing a fight XD

Yes, singleosity is working well for me! Although it does have it's disadvantages.. like creepy chavs o_O

2007-08-29 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: lmao hate being single :[

2007-08-29 [shinobi14]: Im not saying anything about single life... XD

2007-08-29 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah you can't dan! lol!
hmm yeah chav's are the downside.. *shivers*

lol yeha i have to admit.. but that was fun.. so meh! XD as long as i had fun it was the guy's faults for not realising i was being a whorish bitch!

2007-08-30 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: lmao alex is a whore lol um sorry alex-sempai

2007-08-30 [shinobi14]: LEXXI!!! :O

*slaps with pet haddock* Snap out of it, girl! XD

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: it's okay Danny-sempai! *luffles*

o_O ouch.. *pouts* sorry Dan ;_;

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Rofl, i've just been observing this conversation for a while, and it's so amusing if you read it back.. anyway, i'm going to chip in with my pointless comments now.

You really like haddocks, huh Dan?

That is all i have to say. <3

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol that was pointless but amazingly funny! *dies* i dunno why! XD

HAdddock <3 okay i'm going now.. <_<

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Oh yeah. ^-^ Haddocks rule. I have one as a pet. They are very effective for their slappynessosity! ^____^

Damn straight, Alex! ¬¬

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Alex, you always find the most random things funny o.O

And Alex has haddock love. Hoshit. Now i have the bloody bestiality's best boys song in my head.. woah, check out my alliteration right there.

I personally prefer salmon for whacking people with. Or trout. Or sea bass, since they're big and you can get a really good *KER SLAP'D!!!* thing going on. Why am i even thinking into this at all ¬___¬;;;

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: i have no idea but i will use any fish.. although tuna are good especially wet tuna they go "Thhhick-thap" when they hit skin and then your victim is unconcious! yeah tuna are good fish.

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: I was going to say tuna, but then i remembered how big they are... Swinging one would be a difficult task i think XD So i choose sea bass... Small enough to swing, big enough to hurt.

and they taste lovely grilled slowly wrapped in cooking parchment with a little bit of lemon and thyme.

...Ok, i made that part up, but it sounds nice to me!!!

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeha maybe we should try that sometime.. ummm fish *drools*

yeah i think i could swing one though and it'd look cool hanging off my belt loop.. well not cool but very funny and i'd fall over it all the time! XD

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Al, a tuna would be bigger than you. It would look like you were attached to it's belt loop. If tuna had belt loops.

I can't cook for fudge. You'd have to supervise if i was going to try anything like that XD

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Beki... why are you making me laugh so much tonight?!?

THAT was hilarious!!! =D

2007-09-01 [Beki in Wonderland]: What did i say that was funny? I don't get it XD I think maybe you're on something o.O XD <3

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: "Al, a tuna would be bigger than you. It would look like you were attached to it's belt loop. If tuna had belt loops."

That quote is worthy of Cpt Jack Sparrow!! *hugs*

And im not on anything... apart from Fresh Air. ^___^

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: you are on alot.. .*nods* <_< >_> there's alot of oestrogen in london.

no.. i would super own that tuna.. okay my personality can carry it it'd be fine! I have a big personality apparently! X3

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: Although you have a small body. ;)

And dammit, Alex! How did you know about my Oestrogen addiction!

... I dont have an oestrogen addiction... >_> <_<

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yes you do and i know becuase i know everything *evil laughter* it is my business to know! <_< lol

<_< >_> so!! I have a BIG personality and several "other" personalities to help it out.. like Wench Ye and Ben the muse and Tuna Girl.. and my 4-year old inner child! *grins* it can be done!

2007-09-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aaah i see, the tuna bit.. Well i'll take that as a compliment then, although i was trying to be serious XD *hugs dan*

Alex, we need to have an alternate personalities party. Wench Y'arr and the Milk Maid and Linn who is beginning to become another personality and the 10 year old boy can come! Along with all your alternate personalities.. it would make a good party!

2007-09-03 [Lexxi Scuzz]: it would we should DEFINATELY do that or at least a comilation drawing of our alternate personalities party.. you drawing yours and me drawing mine! X3 that would be aweosme! on the 19th i'm coming into school as wench ye.. infact i drew a pirate as request and it basically IS wench ye! XD

2007-09-03 [Beki in Wonderland]: Lol XD My wench has dreads so i'm not quite sure how i'm going to come to school dressed as her.. I'm REALLY tempted to come as a chinese-style pirate, just as an excuse to wear that hat XD

2007-09-03 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol you could that's be cool! i'm going to have a look at costumes at some point.. not sure when though...

2007-09-04 [Beki in Wonderland]: I'm going to sell my ice skates apparently, so then i'll have some money since i have 3 pairs stashed away somewhere XD So i'll be able to go out costume buying XD

2007-09-04 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yay! i'm thinking a week on saturday.. you up for it? oh and i wanted to know whether you wanted to come to the pentre on the 27th for a metal night? Cal'll be there! =D

2007-10-01 [Atayemi]:


2007-10-01 [Beki in Wonderland]: XD XD XD rofl!! That's the way to do things Atay o____O <3

2007-10-01 [Lexxi Scuzz]: hehe *glomps Atay* LUFFLES! j00!! XD rofl!! nice one!!!

2007-10-02 [Atayemi]: :D

2007-10-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: Atay brought the wiki back to life O___O cuz it died! And now it lives again! LIVES!!! XD

2007-10-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yush it does... and yes she did! *glomps atay* lol XD *huggles Boozer* =D how be you both? ahh i cba with the internet at the moment.. i'll deal with it later i need to read the WHOLE kingdom hearts boxset tonight!! lol

2007-10-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: rofl, you will be so dead tomorrow o___O but yeah, i read them all the night i got them, so i can talk XD

2007-10-02 [Atayemi]: My life is happy and gay!
Wait, don't happy and gay both mean the same thing? Ah bugger it, you know what I mean(I hope.. ._.)! :D

2007-10-03 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yeah i know what you mean! XD rofl!!! yeah... meh i cba with alot of stuff at the moment... like chem prac. after school tomorrow... >.< too much effort.. and i'm supposed to be doing maths homework right now *cough* uhh yeah.

2007-10-03 [Atayemi]: Ergh! I'm supposed to be doing art, but what the hell, SOD EET! *bum sneezes*

2007-10-04 [Beki in Wonderland]: ROFL at the bum sneeze!!!! Aaaah, that made me and Rach lol so much XD ..I should be doing psychology but.. meh! We're all procrastinating now XD

2007-10-04 [Atayemi]: Lmao I know, it made me laugh too when it was my own joke. xD
Ommm! DO UR WORK FOOL!!!1121!eleven

2007-10-08 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yush you! =P lol i need to go do some work.. mainly for art too.. ahh tis alot of work is it not atay?
^__^ hehe bum sneezes... another holly-ism! X3

2007-10-08 [Beki in Wonderland]: Holly-isms are the best kind of isms ever! <_< >_> man that sounds retarded... bah.
I have the bloody star trek theme stuck in my head now ¬____¬ damned mother getting me hooked on bloody star trek XD

2007-10-10 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol you you treky!! not that i can talk.. our convo yesterday or whenever! ROFL! us trekkies us.. wow 2 different sps in one para. yeah abbreviation ftw! X3

2007-10-12 [Beki in Wonderland]: rofl, you can so tell you're an english lit student.. and you can thell that i'm and english lit student due to the fact that i can actually read what you're writing XD rofl

2007-10-12 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yush.. us english litties us! trekkies and litties.. littrekkies! X3 rofl!!! XD o___O wow i managed to get spell checker on this... oddd... i need to find out how i managed that... useful for RP posts... hmm.

2007-10-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: :O i want a spell checker! That would come in handy! Since i can't spell for the life of me XD Rofl, yes, littrekkies! Argh, too many double letter thingumies in that word, it hurts my brain O___O

2007-10-13 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol aww dear... *pats brain* ugh.. brain goo.... =S lol! Yeah i can't figure out how i did it though... it was one of those.. my fingers pressed a bunch of buttons they weren't meant to moments i have all the time! XD

2007-10-13 [shinobi14]: AAH!! Brain goo!! RoFl!! ^___^

2007-10-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: Brain goo!!! Gimme back my brain goo, woman! I need that for... I don't know, putting on my beans.
Gah. I need to press lots of buttons and figure out how to get a spell checker... I R WANTING ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123SPANNER1!!

2007-10-16 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol go for it! But i like to think it's my special talent if i wever figure out what i did i'll tell you! =P RoFl *scrapes brain goo off hand* have it back =s i don't want your brain goo... it's sludgy.. like sludge.. .amazingly enough <_< *cough*

2007-10-19 [Atayemi]: I WANTZ BRAINZ.

2007-10-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: YOU CAN HAVZE BRAINZ!! I think i'm going to sleep now... tiiired and i wanna read my mag.. <_<

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